Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Now and Before

Turn the head back
Roads passed like a million times left
Long, far, left behind
When I'm still young and stubborn
Nobody can't controlled
Such wind blows, water flows, sun shines
Bright, and free
No trapped heart

I'm the one
The important one, everyone should understand
Laugh, cry, and yelled just as who I am
Stand, I am the strongest
Fell down and stumble, such a poor man

Give me this
Give me that
Don't make me sad
Don't make me angry
Do everything I want
I can't stand every little things I don't wish for

A step further
Miles forward
Me, the stoppable one
Everything need to be understood
Not me, but all of you are the world
Not you, but me who will endure and suffered
The place I get is not mine, but our

Things never fully be mine
Nothing like laugh, cry, and yelled as I want anymore
World seems do different than I've seen when I were young
Sun shines not as bright as before
I am not the one anymore

The world is not mine anymore

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